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-sensei dot naylor
-sensei dot naylor
Our Family Classes, also known as All Grades Classes, are for all ages and abilities within karate, from first-lesson beginners to elite athletes.
Many of our students say that training in an environment full of dedicated, hard-working karateka helps to motivate them to train to the best of their abilities.
Our Family Classes, also known as All Grades Classes, are for all ages and abilities within karate, from first-lesson beginners to elite athletes.
Many of our students say that training in an environment full of dedicated, hard-working karateka helps to motivate them to train to the best of their abilities.
Our Family Classes, also known as All Grades Classes, are for all ages and abilities within karate, from first-lesson beginners to elite athletes.
Many of our students say that training in an environment full of dedicated, hard-working karateka helps to motivate them to train to the best of their abilities.
"allowing our students to continue to train in a safe, controlled environment is our priority"
"allowing our students to continue to train in a safe, controlled environment is our priority"
shotokan tigers
shotokan tigers
sunday 27th february
Well 2015 was another great year in Chelmsford Shotokan Karate Club’s (CSKC) history. It was our 48th year since we were established, and our year was filled with successful Kyu Gradings, outstanding performances at Dan Gradings, Awards from the Prime Minister and Mayor of Chelmsford, Essex Chronicle 'Team of the Year' Sports Award, visiting Instructors, Radio and TV appearances, a visit to Parliament, Championship successes, England call ups and much, much more.
We kicked off the year by sending several of our students for KUGB National Squad Selection – Congratulations to Emma Burke, Teah Pope, Eric Austin-Coskry, Jack Hillsden and Jamie Lottering for being selected onto the England Squad!
Our Club won 'TEAM OF THE YEAR' at the Essex Sports Awards.
Richard Kheder invited to Referee on behalf of the KUGB at the annual Oxford vs Cambridge Karate Match.
We had a very successful first Masterclass and Kyu Grading with Sensei A Sherry (9th Dan) in Chelmsford.
All 9 of our students who went forCentral Kata Squad selection under Sensei Brennan (8th Dan) were selected (names?)
Sensei Jane and Sensei Richard were both appointed as KUGB Publicity and Promotion Officers, meaning that they now attend the KUGB Executive meetings.
We hosted our Tigers Competition. There were many outstanding performances, and Chelmsford brought back four golds!
Five Chelmsford students represented England at the KUGB International Grand Slam.
Jessica Steadman, Wilson Tang and Kamil Wlodarcyzk all passed their Shodan Dan Grading.
Sensei Richard was voted in as the KUGB Southern Region Secretar.
Several members of Chelmsford SKC, along side Dulwich SKC, attended the launch of Mental Health Charter, meeting Nick Clegg and featured on ITV 6 o’clock news!
At the Spring Karate Course in Paignton 23 Chelmsford students travelled hours to attended the five day course.
At the end of this course was a Dan Grading, where Alexander Lockett passed Shodan.
Furthermore Alexander and Jamie Lottering each won their Kata Competition Categories (Black Belt and Brown Belt respectively) at the Torbay Kata Competition.
The Club hosted former World Champion Sensei Frank Brennan (8th Dan) for a Masterclass here in Chelmsford.
Sensei Richard was interviewed on BBC WM Radio as part of KUGB British National Championships build up and promotion.
At the KUGB British National Championships, we had some amazing competitors!
We won four (Gold?) medals, including three Team events: Children Kata, Adult Kata and Female Kumite.
The Club hosted Sensei B Rhodes (8th Dan) for a Special Bunkai Kata course in Chelmsford.
Eric Austin-Coskry, Jamie Lottering and Teah Pope represented KUGB England at the first English Karate Council Championship, where Eric brought home Silver in Kumite.
Sensei Dot proudly received a 'Point of Light' Award from the Prime Minister David Cameron.
At the KUGB Southern Region Championships we won a total of 33 medals, this included 11 Gold and the Most Outstanding Competitor won by our own Lee McLeod (who had been a previous winner when competing as a Junior!)
Another successful Masterclass and Kyu Grading with Sensei A Sherry (9th Dan).
At theKUGB British Youth Championships the Club was outstanding at this level, winning three British Titles! Congratulations to Anya Dunbar, Alexander Lockett and Mia Hillsden!
Sensei Richard’s photographs from the English Karate Council Championships werepublished in Martial Art Illustrated.
The Club hosted current KUGB National Kumite Champions Sensei Joe Rawcliffe and Sensei Rhianne Blundell for a Masterclass.
Our Annual Hyland Games took place along with a picnic for friends and family.
Rt Hon John Whittingdale, OBE MP and Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport congratulates Sensei Dot on her award Point of Light Award from the Prime Minister.
Four members of our club attended the Karate Summer School in Lancaster: Pam, Ben & Eddie Pickwick alongside Sensei Richard.
The Mayor of Chelmsford awarded Sensei Dot for her outstanding contribution to promote sport and fitness.
At the KUGB International Grand Slam all five of our students chosen to represent England competed.
We were invited to audition for Britain's Got Talent TV Show.
The Club hosted current former World Champion Sensei Chris Cray for a Masterclass
At the KUGB British Shotokan Cup we brought home three more British National medals.
Lee McLeod passed his Nidan at the Dan Grading in Bath.
· Teah Pope represented KUGB England at the World Championships in Poland.
For World Mental Health Day, continuing on from the launch of the Mental Health Charter, our Club ran a free taster session.
We held our last Masterclass Kyu Grading with Sensei A Sherry (9th Dan) of the year.
Sensei Richard attended Parliament to talk about the benefits of Karate for good mental health and well being.
The Club hosted former World Champion Sensei Frank Brennan (8th Dan) for a Masterclass.
We hosted our second Tigers Competition of the year and there were some incredible performances. Our students won an amazing seven golds!
At the British National Student Championships we took three of our students and came back with four medals! Team Kata plus one each for individual events.
Sensei Richard was Appointed Mental Health Charter Advocate for English Karate Council.
Teah Pope represented KUGB England at Europeans and won Silver. Plus we had large number of active helpers including our team of Country mascots.
Louise Filmer passed her Shodan, Rosie Caddy & Mia Hillsden passed their Nidan Gradings.
At the end of the year our Christmas Party combined with Chelmsford's Got Talent show took place - this event as ever popular just keeps growing!
2015 has certainly been an eventful and enjoyable year. Everyone can look back on the year with pride and know both the standard of behaviour and technical Karate continues to be at the highest level. We would like to thank everyone involved with Chelmsford including all of our students, our team of instructors, parents, friends and family.
Was 2015 the best year ever? Well 2016 is a new year and there is already a busy and exciting calendar to look forward to. Come along and be part of our future...